Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Takeover Tuesday: Charnita Arora

Charnita Arora is the founder of Perfect Life Spot (PLS). She mentors (offline and online) sessions on mindfulness, inner-peace and emotional well-being. Through her life-relevant sessions, she tenderly mothers her students into self-discovery, self-expression and self-actualization.

Since the time of its conception, Perfect Life Spot has touched thousands of students, professionals, entrepreneurs and mothers. Students' define this well-being nest as "the place where they were born again" and lovingly address her as 'the Mumma bird."


Can you share a little of your current work with us?

I am a Well Being Coach, author and the founding imagineer at Perfect Life Spot (PLS). PLS is an institute of language and holistic well-being. We provide sessions and resources to make this world a happier place.

Who designs your covers?

Usually project-based free-lancers

Do you have any advice for other writers?

‘Follow your Bliss’ as Joseph Campell would say.

Do you have any writing rituals or certain things you do to aid your writing process?

I follow a rigorous mind and body routine to ensure that I am in my element. Water, Breathing-practices, Yoga, Silence and Nature often facilitate my writing process.

Favorite snack and thing to drink while you write?

Salted Peanuts & Water

Ebook or Print? Print
Junk Food or Sweets? Sweets
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Dark Colors or Light Colors?  Light Colors
Angels or Demons? Angels
Paranormal Romance or Historical Romance? Paranormal Romance
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs
Control Freak or Careless Jerk? Control Freak
Must read books:
1.      The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry 
2.      How to Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
3.      Beastly Tales by Vikram Set
4.      Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg
5.      How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum by Keri Smith 


Stalk Charnita!
Check out all of Charnita 
and come visit her during her takeover August 25
at Rising Indies United @ 6:00pm PST

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